Checklist: What does an effective revenue-driven website do?
Every business has goals. Your website should too.
The 14 Things an Effective Website Does
Your website tells visitors what you do and who your product or service is for! – You have 3 to 5 seconds to tell a visitor what you do and make a good first impression.
Your website shows visitors who you are, why you do it, and why they should trust you.
Your website tells visitors in detail about your services or products, the results to expect, and proof that it works.
Your website should give an offer to the visitor. An offer could be to book a call or make a purchase.
Your website makes it easy for visitors to do something like purchase a product, book a service, or connect with you for more information through a sales call.
Your website should give visitors a clear path to follow. A confused mind will not make a decision.
Your website loads quickly and works well on all sizes of screens from cellphones, tablets, and laptops to desktop computers.
Your website should keep visitors on your website. Be careful where and how you link to places like Facebook or to another website even if it’s not your competitor.
Your website should establish you as an authority in your field. Sharing information will build a relationship with your clients even before they decide to buy.
Your website should attracts your ideal customers. It repel your worst customers.
Your website should capture visitors’ email addresses in exchange for some free valuable content.
Your website should have a way to track visitors. You should be able to track how visitors got to your website and what they are doing on your website. Do visitors get to your website and immediately leave?
Your website follows your brand to create consistency in your marketing efforts.
Your website serves as your best round-the-clock salesperson and advocate. It delivers your message consistently every time.
Bonus: What’s the specific action you want website visitors to take?
Elephant Mountain Creative recommends you have one overarching goal for your website and a couple secondary goals.
This will be different for every business. Here are some examples.
Schedule Appointments
Book a Call or Consultation
Sell a Physical Product
Sell a Service
Sell a Digital Product
Sell a Course
Sign up for your email list
Ok, take a look at your current website.
How does it stack up?
If you can’t confidently say your website does EVERYTHING on this checklist, schedule a free call.
No strings attached. I’ll take a look at your website while we are on the phone together.